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Salt Lake City, Utah’s #1 Trusted Gutter Company

Serving the entire Salt Lake Valley & Surrounding Counties


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Salt Lake City, Utah’s #1 Trusted Gutter Company

Serving the entire Salt Lake Valley & Surrounding Counties


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We Serve Properties of Every Scale and Function

Rain Gutter Medic is a gutter company in the Salt Lake City, UT area that proudly serves all types of properties. Whether you own a residential property, multi-family home, commercial property, or a towering high-rise, we’re fully equipped to handle your gutter system needs. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing high-quality services, ranging from minor gutter system fixes and installations to complete replacements. Your gutter plays a vital role in protecting your property, which is why we customize our services and products to suit your needs. You can count on us to keep your gutters in peak condition year-round. Contact us today to learn more.

How to Know if You Need Gutter Services

Regular inspection and maintenance of your gutter system are crucial to prevent potential damage to your property, but how do you know if your gutter needs fixing or replacing? Pay close attention to your gutters throughout the year to identify any problems. Addressing them promptly can help maintain the integrity of your home. Typical gutter problems include:

  • Water accumulating or spilling over
  • Sagging or detached gutters
  • Rust or other damage on gutters and downspouts
  • Water leaking into the property or basement during rainstorms
  • Gutter system that hasn’t been cleaned or maintained for an extended period

Gutter Products That Ensure Lasting Protection

A skilled and experienced team is only part of our elite offerings. We offer an extensive range of gutter products designed to safeguard your property by ensuring effective water management, preventing damage, and enhancing the longevity of your property so you can have peace of mind knowing it’s well-protected. Our product offerings include:

Rain Gutters

Gutters direct rainwater safely away from your property.

Rain Gutter Leaf Guards

Leaf Guards offer protection against debris and clogs.


We offer durable and attractive siding materials.

Soffits & Fascia

Our soffits and fascia help to secure your gutters.

What Are Seamless Gutters?

Seamless gutters are a type of gutter system that’s custom-made to fit the exact dimensions of your property. This means that there are no seams or joints along its length, making it more durable and less prone to leaks and clogs. Seamless gutters are typically made from aluminum but can also be made from other materials, such as copper or steel, for added strength and aesthetic appeal. They offer many benefits compared to traditional sectional gutters. With no seams or joints, there’s less chance for the gutter to weaken or break over time. In addition, seamless gutters require less maintenance as there are fewer places for debris to get caught and cause clogs, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. Seamless gutters also provide better protection and more effective water drainage since they’re custom-made to fit your property. Want to learn more about the benefits of our seamless gutter products? Contact us to see how they can upgrade your property.

A person cleans leaves from a gutter, showcasing gutter cleaning services in Salt Lake City, UT.

About Our Rain Gutter Company

Founded in 2009 by firefighter Robert Philbrick, Rain Gutter Medic has grown into a firmly established gutter company in the region. With over 20 years of industry experience, Robert started the company with the goal of making home and business owners’ lives easier. Thanks to our team of responsive, dedicated technicians, we’ve built a reputation for delivering exceptional customer service that continues to this day. In 2023, Utah firefighter Bader Alharbi and Brian Carreiro, a Marine Corps veteran turned firefighter, took over the company. While our leadership has changed, we’ve not changed our dedication to improving our service and product offerings. When it comes time to repair or install your gutters, we bring an exceptional set of tools, vast expertise, and years of hands-on experience to ensure flawless execution.

An Expert Gutter Company You Can Trust

When it comes to gutter replacement, installation, and repair, Rain Gutter Medic is the preferred local gutter company in Salt Lake City, UT and surrounding areas. Our team of skilled professionals has you covered for all your property’s gutter needs. Whether you need a brand-new gutter system installed or just need some maintenance done on your current system, trust Rain Gutter Medic to provide superior service and results. Our comprehensive gutter services will keep your property protected from potential water damage, saving you from costly repairs and structural damage. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact us today to schedule your free on-site estimate and let us help protect your property!

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A charming house recently got window installation services in Salt Lake County, UT.

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