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Pro Leaf Guard Installation Services

If you want to stop cleaning your gutters and prevent them from clogging, Rain Gutter Medic has a solution for you. We provide expert leaf guard installation in Salt Lake County, UT, the Wasatch Front, and surrounding areas. Leaf guards keep debris out of gutters while allowing water to flow through. Installing leaf guards can significantly enhance the performance and longevity of your gutter system. We offer Bull Dog gutter guard aluminum inserts and Hydra Flo systems, which we install with the highest level of craft.

The Primary Benefits of Leaf Guards

Gutter guards will play a significant role in maintaining the quality of your gutters. Here are the main benefits they provide:

Reduced Maintenance

Leaf guards prevent leaves, twigs, and other debris from accumulating, reducing the need for gutter cleaning.

Property Safety

Debris and overflowing water can damage properties. Leaf guards keep cracks, holes, and unwanted critters from causing harm.

Longer Lifespan

Leaf guards protect against rust, corrosion, and sagging, which can help your gutter perform and function longer.

Close image of a roof recently got the Pro Leaf Guard installation service in Salt Lake County, UT.

Bulldog Gutter Guard Aluminum Inserts

We offer heavy-duty Bulldog gutter guard aluminum inserts to enhance the strength and protection of gutter systems. These parts can be customized to fit new and existing gutters of any size or purpose. They can not be seen from the ground and will complement your roofing and shingles. They prevent animals from nesting in gutters and are built to handle the harshest rainstorms. Bulldog aluminum gutter inserts are provided in the following colors.

  • Dark bronze
  • White
Close-up of a clay tile roof and a leaf guard on an aluminum gutter in Salt Lake City, UT

Hydra Flo Leaf Guard Systems

Hydro Flo’s gutter guards are fitted on the top of gutters precisely by a factory-trained contractor. When it rains, the water is filtered through mesh, preventing leaves, twigs, and other debris from entering. Over time, the debris will gradually blow away, or they can be easily swept. This cutting-edge leaf guard solution is currently offered in the following styles, designed to meet the needs of your home or business:

  • #18 stainless steel mesh
  • 3105 alloy aluminum
  • 5” or 6’ gutters

Find a Leaf Guard Solution Today

If you want to provide advanced protection for your gutters and maintain their quality, we’re here to help you find the right choice. We source from top providers and educate our customers about their product specifications and unique benefits, enabling them to make the right choice. Once you’ve selected your gutter guard, our team will safely and accurately install it. We’ll work with you to choose a guard that fits your budget and gutter protection needs, enhancing your drainage and water flow.

Improve Your Property With Us