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Gutter Cleaning Services

Rain Gutter Medic has been among the leading providers of residential, multi-family, commercial, and high-rise gutter cleaning services in Salt Lake County, UT, the Wasatch Front, and surrounding areas since 2009. Our services include gutter cleaning and gutter guard and screen installations. They are preventative, allowing property owners to save time and money while keeping their property safe and sound. Our fully licensed, insured, and bonded team will make your life easier by providing quick, reliable, quality service.

Leaves in the gutter before cleaning by Rain Gutter Medics in Salt Lake City, UT.

Why Routine Gutter Cleaning Matters

If twigs, dirt, leaves, and other outdoor debris are building up in your gutters, we recommend requesting professional help. Here’s why getting your gutters cleaned regularly is essential:

  • Prevents Property Damage: Overflowing water can cause cracks and holes in your foundation and roof, causing leaks and structural damage.
  • Prevents Pest Infestation: Debris can attract pests and critters. If water causes cracks, pests can enter your home through them.
  • Prevents Landscape Damage: Improper water flow can harm grass and plant life. It can also pool on your property and create mud patches.
Close image of a Gutter Guard, installed on the roof of a house in Salt Lake City, UT.

Gutter Guards Keep Debris at Bay

Gutter guards, gutter screens, and leaf guards are protective devices that prevent debris from collecting. Their benefits include the following:

  • Clog and Blockage Prevention: Gutter guards can stop clogs from happening at all, preventing debris-related damage.
  • Reduced Maintenance: They can reduce the time and money you spend maintaining your gutters, allowing you to enjoy your property.
  • Extended Gutter Lifespan: Debris weighs gutters down, causing them to sag and break. If clogs are prevented, your gutters can last for many years.

Why Hire Gutter Cleaning Professionals

Hiring professionals for your gutter cleaning or leaf guard installation is essential to your safety and comfort. Our team has the skills, equipment, and processes to fulfill cleaning and installation services safely and effectively. If you have us handle the job, you can reduce the hassle and continue with your daily routine carefree. We have years of experience and expertise in gutter installation and cleaning, and we can provide them to protect your property and boost your satisfaction with it.

Improve Your Property With Us